Dr. Bouchey is a tireless advocate for Epilepsy, both in Indiana and nationwide. ​Her advocacy was born out
of need when her son had his first seizure in 2015 and was later diagnosed with idiopathic primary,
generalized Epilepsy. Her advocacy has taken her into the boardroom, to the State legislative floor, and in
2018, her advocacy took her to Washington DC to look for ways to create more equity and inclusion in
legislative policy and action for those living with Epilepsy.
Among her efforts:
Alongside my son, Gavin Bouchey, the 2021 Indiana Teen Speak Up! Representative, organized and participated in Epilepsy Hill Day 2021 by speaking with both IN Senators and the majority of the members of Congress from the state on issues Hoosiers face living with Epilepsy - 2021.
Sara Stubblefield National Advocacy Award, Epilepsy Foundation of America - 2018
Indiana State Advocacy Leader, Epilepsy Foundation of America - 2017 to Current
Advisory Board Member, Epilepsy Foundation of Indiana - 2017 to Current
Member, Epilepsy Innovation Research Group - 2017 to Current
Dr. Bouchey has been asked to speak about matters related to Epilepsy in front of State legislators, as well as in the press. Her comments are captured in the following articles and news segments over the last two years: